In the name of Allah the Merciful

CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2023

20th Edition, Jacob A. David, 1264892225, 1264892292, 978-1264892228, 9781264892228, 978-1264892297, 9781264892297, B0B2G4G4H5

15 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF | 20 MB | 633 Pages

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Fully reviewed and updated guideline summaries!

Quick access to screening, prevention, and treatment guidelines for the most common primary care conditions

  • Organized  into topics related to disease screening, prevention, and management,  and subdivided into organ systems for quick reference
  • Consolidates  information from government agencies, medical and scientific  organizations, and expert panels into concise recommendations and  guidelines
  • Updated with more than 140 new guidelines
  • Formatted for easy fact-finding in both print and digital platforms
  • NEW: Guideline Discordance feature highlights when two major guidelines do not mirror each other
  • Significant  updates to guidelines for cervical cancer screening, colorectal cancer  screening, management of sexually transmitted infections, HIV  prevention, headache, chronic pain, and gout
  • NEW  topics include coronavirus disease, trauma informed care, vaginitis,  vulvar diseases, pyelonephritis, abnormal uterine bleeding, and acne
  • Spans all areas of general medicine and covers primary care topics in both ambulatory and hospital settings