In the name of Allah the Merciful

Speech Sound Disorders in Children: Articulation & Phonological Disorders

9th Edition, John E. Bernthal, Nicholas W. Bankson, Peter Flipsen, B09DSCC54L, 1681255111, 168125512X, 9781681255118, 978-1681255118, 9781681255125, 978-1681255125

15 $

English | 2022 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 20 MB

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For forty years, this textbook has been the gold-standard  resource for providing speech-language pathologists with a strong  foundation of knowledge on speech sound disorders. Previously published  as Articulation and Phonological Disorders,  this core text is now in its ninth edition, fully updated and expanded  to meet the needs of today’s clinicians as they work with children of  all ages.

A cornerstone of every  SLP’s professional preparation, the new edition of this book offers the  most up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of contemporary clinical  literature and the best available treatments for speech sound disorders.  With a focus on evidence-based practice, the expert authors and  contributors present essential information and guidelines on a broad  range of topics, from the basics of typical speech production to  recommended practices for assessment and intervention. Updates include  new and expanded chapters on timely topics, new instructor materials and  student-friendly features, and helpful guidance for clinicians serving  an increasingly diverse population.

With  this authoritative synthesis of research and practice, the next  generation of SLPs will have the broad and deep knowledge they need to  understand speech sound disorders and provide children with the best  possible supports and interventions. 


  • All chapters fully updated with the latest research and recommended practices
  • New chapter on treatment of childhood apraxia and speech sound disorders in older children
  • Expanded guidance on evidence-based practices and treatment basics
  • More on motor-based approaches to treatment 
  • Extended discussion of language variation and dialect
  • New chapter on accent modification
  • New student-friendly features such as learning objectives and clinical vignettes to demonstrate treatment practices

SELECTED TOPICS COVERED: fundamentals of typical speech production and acquisition • specific  factors associated with speech sound disorders, including motor  abilities, cognitive-linguistic factors, and psychosocial factors •  classification and comorbidity in speech sound disorders • assessment  and data collection procedures • using assessment data to make sound  decisions about intervention • using evidence-based practices in  treatment • motor-based treatment approaches • linguistically based  treatment approaches • treatment of childhood apraxia of speech •  phonological awareness development and intervention • assessment and  intervention considerations for children from culturally and  linguistically diverse populations • accent modification for second  language learners