In the name of Allah the Merciful

77 Pillars of Quality and the Pursuit of Excellence: A Guide to Basic Concepts and Lean Six Sigma Tools for Practitioners, Managers, and Entrepreneurs

Souraj Salah, B0CV4L8V2T, 103268836X, 1032688351, 1003861156, 9781032688350, 9781003861157, 9781032688367, 9781032-688374, 978-1032688350, 978-1003861157, 978-1032688367, 978-1032-688374, 978-1-032-68836-7, 978-1-032-68835-0, 978-1-032-68837-4

15 $

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This book offers a basic and practical guide for a manager,  quality practitioner, or anyone interested in learning and understanding  the fundamental principles, concepts, tools, and techniques of quality  management and process improvement. This book enables managers to have a  strong foundation for effective management and improvement of  operations. It strengthens quality practitioners’ approach to people,  products, or services and process improvement, to influence without  authority. It provides practitioners with a comprehensive understanding  of the contemporary concepts of quality, guiding principles, and quality  tools and techniques and on successfully implementing them. It helps  enhance how practitioners perform their work and inspires them to strive  for excellence.

The book begins with an introduction  and an overview of quality, followed by listing and explaining the  selected 77 pillars (basic principles, concepts, and tools) of quality,  grouped under the themes of quality, Six Sigma, and Lean Management. It  examines the logical understanding of these pillars and how to implement  them, providing practical examples and beneficial real case studies.  The stories are based on the learning and practical experience of the  author―a certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, a quality manager,  and a university lecturer.

This book benefits  employees, partners, and customers of any organization, offering a great  reference for practitioners and academics alike. It serves as a call to  reflect on basic quality pillars first, before embarking on a quality  improvement journey. It provides a solid foundation for managers and  practitioners to exceed their customers’ expectations and excel in  managing their business operations.