In the name of Allah the Merciful

A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders

5th Edition, M. N. Hegde, 1565932633, 9781565932630, 978-1565932630

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 8 MB | 441 Pages

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This excellent new edition of a highly respected text provides clear,  essential information on aphasia and other neurogenic language disorders  in a user-friendly format. Organized in the coursebook format, pages  are divided into columns with written information side by side with  space for notes, allowing you to keep all your information in one, easy  to access location. Thorough revisions reflect recent developments in  the field including expanded information on dementia, traumatic brain  injury, and right hemisphere syndrome. Current and clinically relevant,  additional information on the study, assessment, and treatment of  language disorders associated with neurologic problems has been included  making this an essential and practical resource.