Antioxidant-Based Therapies for Disease Prevention and Management by Pallavi Singh Chauhan, Sonia Johri
B09LX61DXR, 1771889640, 1774639092, 1000290387, 9781771889643, 9781774639092, 9781000290387, 9781003129585, 978-1771889643, 978-1774639092, 978-1000290387, 978-1003129585, 978-1-77188-964-3, 978-1-77463-909-2, 978-1-00312-958-5
This informative volume presents a valuable overview of the therapeutic aspects as well as applications of antioxidants. It discusses the basic mechanisms of therapy-based oxidative damage and categorization of nutritional antioxidants and covers the sources of antioxidants as well as their extraction and quantification. The volume considers the controversies of the usefulness or disadvantages of antioxidant supplementation in relation to adaptation and performance and also looks at the effectiveness of bioactives and antioxidant-based therapies for specific health issues, such as anemia, infectious diseases, urinary tract infections, Parkinson’s diseases, and diabetes.
The book discusses the sensing of oxidative stress and the effectiveness of antioxidant treatment, followed by an introduction to several biomarkers to estimate the bioefficacy of dietary/supplemental antioxidants in various forms. Also considered are free radicals that can cause “oxidative stress,” a process that can trigger cell damage, and how antioxidant molecules have been shown to counteract oxidative stress in laboratory experiments.