In the name of Allah the Merciful

Aptitude, Learning, and Instruction

3-Volume Set, Richard E. Snow, Pat-Anthony Federico, William E. Montague, 9780367751609, 9781003176176, 9780367755362, 9780367755904, 9781003162865, 978-0367751609, 978-1003176176, 978-0367755362, 978-0367755904, 978-1003162865,

10 $

English | 2022 | PDF

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For the previous 6 years before publication, Office of Naval Research  (ONR) had been conducting a thematically oriented contract research  program aimed, in large part, at developing the kind of broad  theoretical framework necessary for a workable process interpretation of  aptitude, learning, and performance. Originally published in 1980, the  papers in this collection are generally addressed to three broad areas  that were central to those interests of the ONR Personnel and Training  Research Programs. One area is concerned with individual differences  information processing, as revealed in simple laboratory or psychometric  tests. The second area focuses on the structural aspects of learning  and performance, using tools and concepts from semantic memory theory to  describe what is learned and how it is learned. And the third area is  aimed at the management of instruction: It addresses itself to the kinds  of research and instructional designs required for effective  implementation of adaptive instruction.