In the name of Allah the Merciful

Arctic Plants of Svalbard: What We Learn From the Green in the Treeless White World

Yoo Kyung Lee | 3030345629, 3030345599, 978-3030345624, 978-3030345594, B084V1KJ1H

15 $

PDF 2020

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The Arctic is a special world. The Arctic Ocean is covered by white sea ice, and its margins are surrounded by bare terrestrial regions, known as tundra. Tundra is a cold and dry environment without trees, but even in the absence of trees, tundra plants such as dwarf shrubs, grasses, herbs and moss support the harsh environment by providing sustenance and shelter. This book introduces representative arctic plants and their function in Svalbard, revealing the unique tundra ecosystem, and discussing the direct and indirect effects of climate change in the Arctic.