In the name of Allah the Merciful

Bio-Nano Interfaces: Perspectives, Properties, and Applications

Wolfgang Parak , 9789814877831, 978-981-4877-83-1, 978-9814877831, 978-1-003-30649-8, 978-1003306498, 9781003306498

15 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 119 MB | 1480 Pages

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In recent decades, bio-nano interfaces have become a popular topic of research. The interface between biology (e.g., cells, proteins) and man-made materials (e.g., surfaces of labware, medical devices/implants, etc., that are exposed to the biological matter) has always been important, way before the terms of nanotechnology and nanoscience were coined. Nanotechnology brought new techniques into play, with which such interfaces can be investigated with an additional viewpoint.

This book is a collection of articles spanning two decades that shows how the newer publications have evolved from the older ones. This allows the reader to see the development in the field not only technically but also conceptually. The book is, in particular, suitable for the researchers and general readers who are looking for inspiration on how ideas develop over decades.