In the name of Allah the Merciful

Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Genetics: An Integrated Textbook

Zeynep Gromley, 162623535X, 1626235368, 978-1626235366, 9781626235366, 978-1626235359, 9781626235359, B08RZ8NFP5

15 $

English | 2021 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 130 MB

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Integrates biochemical, molecular, and cellular health and disease processes into one essential text

Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Genetics: An Integrated Textbook by Zeynep Gromley and Adam Gromley is the first to cover molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry (metabolism), and genetics in one comprehensive yet concise resource. Throughout the book, these topics are linked to other basic medical sciences, such as pharmacology, physiology, pathology, immunology, microbiology, and histology, for a truly integrated approach.

Key Highlights
Easy-to-read text enhances understanding of underlying molecular mechanisms of disease
Nearly 1000 illustrations and tables help reinforce chapter learning objectives
Textboxes throughout make connections with other preclinical disciplines
End of unit higher order clinical vignette questions with succinct explanations help integrate basic science topics with clinical medicine