In the name of Allah the Merciful


Aurelien Forget, B0BKXY4ZWM, 150152335X, 9781501523359, 978-1-5015-2335-9, 978-1501523359, 978-1-5015-1573-6, 978-1501515736, 9781501515736, 978-1-5015-1582-8, 978-1501515828, 9781501515828

20 $
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The term biofabrication is defined as the automated generation of biologically functional products with structural organization. Combining cells with biomaterials, biofabrication consists of using industrial methods to combine cells with biomaterials. This book covers the different strategies and established techniques to create artificial living tissues. By providing an overview of the whole biofabrication development process, including design phase, manufacturing, and evaluation of the resulting product it is the perfect support for the classroom. This book enables students to jump into the field of biofabrication by covering all the aspects of this highly active field of science at the intersection of cell biology, molecular biology, engineering, materials science, and chemistry.


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