In the name of Allah the Merciful

Biomechanics of Human Communication: Neurophysiology, Regulation, and Systems Thinking

by S. Faye Molicki, B0CP18QMSJ, 1683929225, 978-1683929222, 9781683929222

10 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF

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The purpose of this book is to create a neurophysiology-based  framework for assessing and improving mental health. It introduces  measurable and neurobiologically-informed concepts and language to help  professionals and organizations decrease stigma related to mental health  and increase awareness of a new paradigm. This new, emerging paradigm  moves away from previous language related to mental and psychological  health, and moves towards language that focuses on promoting systems  resilience and neurological adaptability through measurable  neurophysiological mechanisms. It explores human communication patterns  through the lens of neurophysiology, systems thinking, the Neurovisceral  Integration Model, and attachment frameworks. This book will give  people who are in helping professions - coaches, therapists, teachers,  first responders - and leaders of all sorts - a new map and vocabulary  for understanding mental health in terms of nervous system mechanisms  for detecting and creating safety.


  • Provides examples of brain maps (quantitative EEGs) related to issues with Signal Flow
  • Features illustrations of biomechanical principles of nervous system mechanisms for signal transmission and detection
  • A map for using neurophysiology-based language to describe current concepts in psychology, therapy, and mental health.


1:  Systems, Feedback, and Experience-Dependence. 2: Signal Distortion. 3:  Communication as a Form of Feedback Responsiveness, Biobehavioral  Attunement, and Attachment. 4: Communication as a Behavioral Transmitter  and Energy Optimizer. 5: The Mechanics of Communication Signals. 6:  Communication and The Voice-Heart Connection. 7: Social Communication.  8: The Role of Maturity, Executive Functioning, and Social Understanding  in Communication. 9: Systems Resilience. Index