In the name of Allah the Merciful

Biomimetics: Connecting Ecology and Engineering by Informatics

Akihiro Miyauchi, Masatsugu Shimomura, B0B5YQ4PYX, 9814968102, 9789814968102, 978-981-4968-10-2, 978-9814968102, 978-1-003-27717-0, 978-1003277170, 9781003277170

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Biomimetics is based on nature, while technology is based on economy. One of the solutions for a sustainable society is to learn a grand design of technology from nature. Methods that mimic nature have a long history in various fields. Now is the time to use biomimetics as a starting technology design. Biomimetics is gaining a great deal of attention not only in materials and mechanical engineering but also in the ecosystem that comprises city planning, agriculture, and forestry. Informatics is being added to biomimetics to support its diversity and cross-disciplinarity.

This book will inspire the undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and general readers who aim to develop technology for sustainability. Edited by Profs Akihiro Miyauchi and Masatsugu Shimomura, two prominent nanotechnology researchers, the book is their second volume on biomimetics. The first volume, Industrial Biomimetics, also published by Jenny Stanford Publishing, focused on the engineering aspect of biomimetics.


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