In the name of Allah the Merciful

Clinical Lipidology: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease

3rd Edition, Christie M. Ballantyne, 0323882862, 0323882889, 0323882870, 978-0323882866, 978-0-323-88287-3, 978-0-323-88286-6, 9780323882873, 9780323882866, 9780323882880, 978-0323882880, 978-0323882873, B0BW4G5N8Y

20 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 23 MB | 495 Pages

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Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Clinical  Lipidology: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s  clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on the therapeutic  management of patients with high cholesterol levels and other  atherogenic lipid disorders. An invaluable resource for cardiologists,  lipidologists, endocrinologists, and internal medicine physicians, this  one-stop reference covers everything from basic science and the  pathogenesis of atherothrombotic disease to risk assessment and the  latest therapy options. Now fully updated from cover to cover, the 3rd  Edition offers unparalleled coverage of lipidology in an accessible and  user-friendly manner.

  • Thoroughly  covers the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with  elevated levels of lipids and lipoproteins, including all the latest  research-based recommendations, therapeutic breakthroughs, and related  clinical advances. 
  • Presents  the latest data on clinical guidelines, risk assessments, and  established and emerging pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic  therapies―all from internationally recognized experts in the field. 
  • Features  condensed, streamlined content that focuses on clinical applications  and applying concepts to the practice setting. Chapters have now been  completely reorganized into sections on risk assessment; therapy; new  and evolving therapeutic targets and platforms; and special  populations. 
  • Includes  new chapters on Polygenic Risk Scores; Inclisiran; Bempedoic Acid;  Selective Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor–a Modulator:  Pemafibrate; Evolving Therapeutic Targets: Lp(a), ANGPTL3, and ApoC-III;  New Therapeutic Platforms: Gene Therapy and Genome Editing; and more. 
  • Contains  new or expanded content on inflammation; genetic testing; troponins for  risk assessment; statins and role of bile acid sequestrants, niacin,  and fibrates; mAbs; CANTOS and CIRT; colchicine; IL-6; and cellular,  molecular, and genetic therapy. 
  • Provides  treatment algorithms throughout, as well as case vignettes that  highlight the most common clinical questions in each chapter. 
  • Incorporates  the latest guidelines from the AHA, ACC, ESC, and EAS, as well as  future directions for ongoing research and emerging applications.