In the name of Allah the Merciful

Cloud Technologies and Services: Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications

(Textbooks in Telecommunication Engineering) by M. Scott Kingsley, B0C52RZNRP, 3031336682, 3031336690, 9783031336683, 9783031336690, 978-3031336683, 978-3031336690

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF

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This  textbook provides a thorough yet compact review of cloud technologies.  It offers easy to understand explanations of the technical concepts  underlying cloud services, platforms, and applications offered by Amazon  Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform  (GCP). It presents cloud concepts at a depth that can be understood and  applied by both technical and non-technical readers. Once that is  accomplished the learner can then easily move toward more advanced  topics. Or, they can use the knowledge gained from this book to obtain  industry certifications and be competitive in this exciting industry.

 Reader learning is enhanced with quizzes and exam questions and  hands-on labs throughout the book with PowerPoint slides, instructor  guide and additional labs online. All the tools needed for advancement  to the level of cloud architect are found in this book.  The author has verified the success of this approach in his own  academic environment with much success. He teaches Cloud Engineering and  Advanced Cloud Engineering at Southern Methodist University. Both  courses were developed in partnership with the AWS Academy, the  education arm of the Amazon Web Services cloud platform. Using this  methodology his students routinely take and pass cloud certification  exams and obtain lucrative employment positions in the rapidly expanding  cloud industry.