In the name of Allah the Merciful

Contracts for Paralegals: Legal Principles and Practical Applications for Paralegals

Second Edition, Linda A. Wendling, 1454869151, 1543809790, 978-1454869153, 9781454869153, 978-1543809794, 9781543809794, B07NBQ4KM8

10 $

English | 2019 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 8 MB

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Contracts for Paralegals: Legal Principles and Practical Applications engages students with a practical, applied approach. Using a clear and  accessible writing style, Wendling makes a comprehensive presentation of  contracts, rounded out by current exercises that motivate lively  discussions. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking,  vocabulary, and analytical and writing skills through a variety of  real-world exercises, portfolio creation, and team exercises.

New to the Second Edition:

  • “Cyber Contracts” feature familiarizes students with the latest blockchain technology in the application of “smart contracts”
  • Updated cases provide students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of chapter topics through analysis of relevant cases
  • Examples of new technology demonstrate the influence of social media on contract origination, performance, and evidence

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • An accessible style
  • A variety of approaches that stimulate students
  • A step-by-step chronology that walks students through all the phases of contract formation, performance, and breach
  • Practical applications
  • Portfolio creation