In the name of Allah the Merciful

Counseling Theories and Case Conceptualization: A Practice-Based Approach

Stephen V. Flynn, Joshua J. Castleberry, B0CJM2H13L, 0826182917, 9780826182913, 978-0-8261-8291-3, 978-0826182913, 978-0-8261-8292-0, 978-0826182920, 9780826182920

10 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 5 MB | 459 Pages

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For students enrolled in master’s and advanced doctoral programs, this groundbreaking textbook blends theoretical insight and practical application. Woven throughout is a focus on the multiple levels of diversity, intersectionality, and identity that individuals embody and the skills and interventions necessary to produce positive outcomes. The book is distinguished by the inclusion of Voices from the Field, digital video interviews with 12 expert practitioners of leading theories. These practitioners, representing different contextual backgrounds and intersectional identities, share their perspectives and experiences on how to best use a particular theory to help marginalized communities who have experienced discrimination.

All theory-based chapters provide readers with case conceptualizations, session transcripts, and videos of Voices from the Field. Additionally, all chapters include learning objectives, chapter summaries, and student activities. Within each chapter, students will learn theory-aligned assessment instruments that resonate with clients’ needs and acquire proficiency in an eclectic array of techniques derived from both classic and contemporary counseling theories. The book innovatively applies techniques and skills to pressing issues, such as racism, discrimination, and inequity, through adept application of theory to empower healing and transformation.