In the name of Allah the Merciful

Crystalline Solid State Physics: An interactive guide

Meng Lee Leek, 9780750352154, 978-0-7503-5217-8, 978-0750352154, 978-0-7503-5215-4, 978-0750352154, 9780750352154, 978-0-7503-5218-5, 978-075035218-5, 9780750352185, 978-0-7503-5216-1, 978-0750352161, 9780750352161

10 $

English | 2023 | PDF | 35 MB | 247 Pages

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This book grew out of teaching the module PH3102 Condensed Matter Physics I at Nanyang Technological University, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Applied Physics Division. 

This module is the first module in which students encounter the application of quantum mechanics; in this case, it is applied to the properties of solids. There are many properties of solids that have important technological applications, and an understanding of these properties usually requires quantum mechanics. In a typical first course in solid-state physics, the elastic properties of the lattice (lattice vibrations) and the electronic properties are covered, as they lead to the technology of electronics.