In the name of Allah the Merciful

Development of Autonomous Robotic Platform for Orchard and Vineyard Operations

(Fortschritte Naturstofftechnik) by Satyam Raikwar, B0CK3Y2MJK, 3031467906, 978-3031467905, 9783031467905

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF

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This  book contributes to the navigation algorithm development for an  autonomous mobile orchard robot in a GNSS denied environment. In this  book, an approach is provided for path planning in an orchard using an  aerial view of the environment by creating Binary Occupancy Grid Maps.  The path planning is further implemented by the Probabilistic Road Maps  Method (PRM) over the developed Binary Occupancy Grid Maps. For robot’s  navigation, a navigation model is developed using kinematic equations of  the robot. Further, the navigation module is used in conjunction with  the path-planning module. The robot was tested successfully both in  simulation as well as in the real environment.