In the name of Allah the Merciful

Diseases in Legume Crops: Next Generation Breeding Approaches for Resistant Legume Crops

by Uday Chand Jha, Harsh Nayyar, Kamal Dev Sharma, Eric J Bishop von Wettberg, Prashant Singh, Kadambot H.M Siddique, B0C9KR4BK9, 9819933579, 978-9819933570, 9789819933570

10 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF

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The edited book covers all major and minor diseases in grain  legumes (chickpea, pigeon pea, lentil, mung bean, common bean,  groundnut, and soybean) and forages legumes (including Medicago, rice  bean, and faba bean) and their control measures by using various  breeding approaches.
Grain legumes are versatile nutritionally rich  crops, and are one of the important components of global food security.  However, grain legumes are severely challenged by various major and  emerging minor diseases causing serious limitations in grain yield and  production. Thus, to minimize the negative impact of the growing yield  loss caused by these diseases, several approaches have been developed  and embraced. This book covers all the latest development in genetics,  breeding, genomics, and molecular biology tools for combating various  major and minor emerging diseases in all the grain legumes from expert  authors. Chapters in this title contain all the relevant illustrations  and statistical data detailing the present scenario and identifying the  gap for meeting the future demand for sustaining global protein security  by developing disease-resistant cultivars.  
This book is of  interest to graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and  policymakers to understand the impacts of various diseases on yield loss  in legume crops.