In the name of Allah the Merciful

Ecosystem Restoration: Towards Sustainability and Resilient Development

(Disaster Resilience and Green Growth) by Anil Kumar Gupta, Manish Kumar Goyal, S. P. Singh, B0C95S4HXN, 9819936861, 978-9819936861, 9789819936861

10 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF

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This edited book offers coverage towards SDG 15 in particular,  but it provides for all the SDGs in general. The book is an inclusive  comprehension on ecosystem restoration and sustainability including  agricultural and ecosystem resilience, the role of biodiversity, climate  change and water resources, hydrological modelling, extreme events,  disaster risk and management, sustainable policy making on disaster  management.  The world is facing diverse and severe challenges. Millions  of people are suffering from the catastrophic effects of extreme  disasters, climate emergencies, water and food insecurity, and the  repercussions of COVID-19 pandemic. Ecosystems are essential players in  people’s capacity to meet these challenges. Hence, managing them and  protecting their resources in sustainable ways is crucial. The book  ‘Ecosystem Restoration:  Towards Sustainable and Resilient Development’  provides comprehensive information on fundamentals, approaches and  latest developments in the field of ecosystem restoration, resilience  and sustainability. This book is of interest to teachers, researchers,  climate change scientists, and valuable source of reference to the  professionals and students in the relevant disciplines. Besides, the  book serves as additional reading for graduate students of water,  ecology, restoration forestry, soil science, and environmental sciences.  National and international ecological policy makers, scientists and  planners will also find this to be a useful read.