In the name of Allah the Merciful

Electro-Micromachining and Microfabrication (Frontiers of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)

Sandip Kunar, Golam Kibria, Prasenjit Chatterjee, B0CRGW8XKZ, 1774913798, 9781774913796, 9781774913819, 9781003397793, 978-1774913796, 978-1774913819, 978-1003397793, 978-1-77491-379-6, 978-1-77491-381-9, 978-1-00339-779-3

15 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 28 MB | 432 Pages

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Bridging the gap between the need for micro elements and the profitable microfabrication of goods, this new book provides an informative overview of the electro-micromachining and microfabrication processes, varieties, and important applications. Opening with an overview of a variety of micromachining technologies, with an emphasis on nontraditional approaches and recent advances in each, the volume discusses the ultrasonic micromachining processes for producing a variety of micro-shapes, such as micro-holes, micro-slots, and micro-walls, as well as assisted hybrid micromachining with ultrasonic vibration of the tool or workpiece, all which help to improve precision and to advance research. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing dental micromachining technologies are discussed. Micro-electrical discharge machining, laser micro grooving, and laser micromachining are among the advanced micro-manufacturing processes addressed as well. The volume also covers the use of an electrochemical micromachining method to improve micro texturing and the use of nano-additives to enhance MQL and micromachining process optimization.