In the name of Allah the Merciful

Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education 14th Edition

Daniel P Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen, B07R5CFCXF, 013480693X, 0134806875, 0-13-480693-x, 9780134806938, 9780134806877, 9780134806372, 9780143200000, 9780205609659, 9780134806945, 9780136973881, 9780134806808

20 $

English | 2019 | Original PDF | 31 MB | 482 Pages

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978-0134806938, 978-0134806877, 978-0134806372, 978-0143200000, 978-0205609659, 978-0134806945, 978-0136973881, 978-0134806808, 978-0-13-480693-8

An up-to-date introduction to the characteristics of exceptional learners and their education
Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education focuses on exceptional learners and classroom practices, as well as the psychological, sociological, and medical aspects of disabilities and giftedness.

Based on the authors’ premise that professionals working with exceptional learners need to develop not only a solid base of knowledge, but also a healthy attitude toward their work and the people whom they serve, this book is designed to reach the heart as well as the mind. It asks both general and special educators to challenge themselves to acquire a solid understanding of current theory, research, and practice in special education, and to develop an ever more sensitive understanding of exceptional learners and their families.

The 14th Edition includes the new definitions of Specific Learning Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) from the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5, along with expanded coverage of topics like Universal Design for Learning, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).