In the name of Allah the Merciful

Exercise and Physical Activity: from Health Benefits to Fitness Crazes

R. K. Devlin, 2022014955, 9781440878435, 9781440878442, 978-1440878435, 978-1440878442

10 $

English | 2022 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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The anatomy theme includes entries on all the major skeletal muscle  groups and associated connective tissues. Within the exercise science  theme, entries focus on topics within the fields of physiology,  kinesiology, and sports psychology. Profiles of more than 70 sports and  recreational activities are included. Entries under the theme of health  benefits and risks explore the effects of exercise on many of the body's  physiological processes and related systems, as well as specific  sports-related injuries. Exercise and society entries profile  influential individuals and organizations, as well as fitness trends.  Together, these themes support a holistic understanding of exercise,  encompassing both the theoretical and the practical.