In the name of Allah the Merciful

Facilitating Professional Scrum Teams: Improve Team Alignment, Effectiveness and Outcomes

(The Professional Scrum Series) by Patricia Kong, Glaudia Califano, David Spinks, B0CLKZC5JM, 0138196141, 9780138196202, 9780138196141, 978-0138196202, 978-0138196141

10 $

English | 2024 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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Unlock  the true power of collaboration within Scrum Teams and beyond with this  practical guide packed with tips, tools, and real-life scenarios to  elevate your facilitation skills.

Scrum requires  healthy collaboration, not just between the members of the Scrum Team,  but also between the Scrum Team and its stakeholders to gather feedback  and input. Collaboration is the heart of thriving Scrum Teams, but most  available resources on collaboration focus solely on meeting formats and  neglect to show how Scrum Teams truly harmonize their efforts and make  informed decisions effectively.

This book bridges the gap by not only providing effective facilitation techniques but also delving into the how and why of facilitation--all geared toward improving effectiveness, achieving  impactful outcomes, and helping Scrum Teams work through challenges.

  • Obtain tools and insights for Scrum Teams to better facilitate team interactions to leverage group diversity.
  • Learn  from real-world scenarios that illustrate common Scrum Team challenges  and how they can be overcome with effective and timely facilitation.
  • Discover  comprehensive facilitation approaches accompanied with effective  guidance on when to use them, how they can be combined, and how they can  help to achieve desired outcomes.