In the name of Allah the Merciful

Food and Culture 7th Edition by Pamela Goyan Kittler, Kathryn P. Sucher, Marcia Nelms

ISBNs: B01FGKUFE4, 1305628055, 9781305628052, 9798214343907, 9781337247498, 9781305983458, 9780357688335, 9781305886872, 978-1305628052, 979-8214343907, 978-1337247498, 978-1305983458, 978-0357688335, 978-1305886872

15 $

English | 2018 | Original PDF | 23 MB | 583 Pages

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FOOD  AND CULTURE is the market-leading text for the cultural foods courses,  providing current information on the health, culture, food, and  nutrition habits of the most common ethnic and racial groups living in  the United States. It is designed to help health professionals, chefs,  and others in the food service industry learn to work effectively with  members of different ethnic and religious groups in a culturally  sensitive manner. The authors include comprehensive coverage of key  ethnic, religious, and regional groups, including Native Americans,  Europeans, Africans, Mexicans and Central Americans, Caribbean  Islanders, South Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Southeast  Asians, Pacific Islanders, People of the Balkans, Middle Easterners,  Asian Indians, and regional Americans.