In the name of Allah the Merciful

Foundations of Chemical Kinetics: A hands-on approach

Marc R Roussel, 0750353198, 9780750353199, 978-0-7503-5321-2, 978-0750353199, 978-0-7503-5319-9, 978-0750353199, 9780750353199, 978-0-7503-5322-9, 978-0750353229, 978-0750353229, 978-0-7503-5320-5, 978-0750353205, 9780750353205

10 $

English | 2023 | PDF | 23 MB | 293 Pages

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This book examines foundational theories in chemical kinetics, taking a hands-on approach that bridges from theory to application. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, this book focuses on theories that provide insights into basic physical principles that govern the rates of chemical reactions both in the gas phase and in solution.