In the name of Allah the Merciful

Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers: Create high-performance, real-time embedded systems using FreeRTOS, STM32 MCUs and SEGGER debug tools

2nd Edition, by Brian Amos, Jim Yuill, Penn Linder, B0C3MGBR53, 1803237724, 978-1803237725, 9781803237725

10 $

English | 2023 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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A comprehensive guide designed to provide practical kills and insights to supercharge your embedded engineering journey

Key Features

  • Unlock the secrets of RTOS and master them on the highly capable STM32 platform
  • Upgrade your programming skills and elevate your game in building top-notch embedded systems
  • Master the art of RTOS implementation and explore the vast array of possibilities for your embedded systems.

Book Description

Want  to stay ahead of the curve with embedded systems development? The  updated edition of Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers is here and  packed with cutting-edge content to up your skills.

This  book contains everything you need to know about real-time operating  systems, how they work, and why they’re essential for today’s  time-critical applications; learn about FreeRTOS and its primary  capabilities and APIs.

You’ll find a detailed  overview of system-design topics such as memory management,  project-design topics (MCU, IDE, and RTOS API), and hands-on system use,  as well as the system platform, dev-board with an MCU and debug-probe,  and development tools (IDE, build system, source-code debugging).

The  new edition includes 10 real-world embedded applications showcasing the  latest features of FreeRTOS, teaching you how to implement them in your  own projects and exploring how to optimize your code with dynamic  analysis.

It also provides example programs on a  GitHub repo for you to explore with detailed instructions. You’ll learn  how to create and install your own FreeRTOS system on the dev-board, and  set up an IDE project with debugging tools. With dozens of reference  manuals listed, you’ll never be short on resources for system  development.

Stay ahead of the curve ― get your second edition of Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers today!

What you will learn

  • Understand RTOS, use-cases and decide when to (and not-to) use real-time OS
  • Utilize FreeRTOS scheduler to create, start and monitor task states
  • Improve task signaling and communication using queues, semaphores, and mutexes
  • Streamline task data transfer with queues and notifications
  • Upgrade peripheral communication via UART using drivers and ISRs
  • Enhance interface architecture with a command queue for better system control
  • Maximize FreeRTOS memory management with trade-off insights

Who This Book Is For

This  book is an indispensable guide for systems-programmers,  embedded-systems engineers, and software-developers who want to learn  about Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and how to use FreeRTOS in  their embedded system design. A basic understanding of the C programming  language and embedded systems and microcontrollers will be helpful.

Table of Contents

  1. Introducing Real-Time Systems
  2. Introducing the Development-Board
  3. Introducing the Development Tools
  4. Understanding Super-Loops
  5. Implementing the Super-Loop
  6. Understanding RTOS Tasks
  7. Running the FreeRTOS Scheduler
  8. Protecting Data and Synchronizing Tasks
  9. Intertask Communication
  10. Drivers and ISRs
  11. More Efficient Drivers and ISRs
  12. Sharing Hardware Peripherals across Tasks
  13. Creating Loose Coupling with Queues
  14. FreeRTOS Memory Management
  15. Multi-Processor and Multi-Core Systems
  16. Selecting the Right MCU
  17. Selecting an IDE
  18. Appendix A - Quick-Reference for the Development-Tools
  19. Appendix B - Bibliography for System Reference-Documents
  20. Appendix C - Troubleshooting
  21. Appendix D - Creating a FreeRTOS IDE-Project: installation and cloning
  22. How to read this book