In the name of Allah the Merciful

Health IT and EHRs: Principles and Practice

6th Edition, Margret K. Amatayakul, 1584265299, 1584265612, 9781584265290, 9781584265610, 978-1584265290, 978-1584265610

10 $

English | 2017 | Original PDF | 25 MB | 736 Pages

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This  sixth edition is being renamed Health IT and EHRs as a result of the  expanded scope of the technology needed for all health information  collection and use. The sixth edition is also focused more on serving as  a textbook in addition to serving as a reference work for readers who  work in any health setting, whether a healthcare provider organization,  vendor, health plan, or policy- maker. The book introduces the full  scope of health IT in chronological fashion, covering the information  systems development life cycle, strategic planning, goal setting  workflow and process mapping, change management, vendor selection,  project management, and implementation, training, and ongoing  maintenance of EHR and other health IT systems. It also addresses the  essential elements of data infrastructure, information technology,  privacy and security, and interoperability for all forms of health IT.  Finally, there is considerable expansion in chapters covering techniques  to achieve value with health IT in various acute care, ambulatory care,  and specialty care settings as well as for consumer health IT,  enterprise content and record management as an EHR bridge technology,  revenue cycle management, and population health. Those familiar with the  fifth edition of Electronic Health Records: A Practical Guide for  Professionals and Organizations will find that some of the chapters have  been moved around, consolidated, or expanded in the sixth edition. Two  chapters have been added, on revenue cycle management and population  health, given expanded interest in integrating.