In the name of Allah the Merciful

Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology 15th Edition by Charles Welsh

1265248125, 1265331162, 1266135146, 1266136967, 1266134166, 1266134328, 1266235043, 9781265331160, 9781266136962, 9781266135149, 9781266134166, 9781266134326, 9781266235047, 978-1265331160, 978-1266136962, 978-1266135149, 978-1266134166, 978-1266134326

15 $

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Designed for the one-semester anatomy and physiology course, Hole's   Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology assumes no prior science   knowledge and supports core topics with clinical applications, making   difficult concepts relevant to students pursuing careers in the allied   health field. The Learn, Practice, and Assess system is used throughout   the text and digital content for immediate application. "Learning"   outcomes begin the chapter and set the stage for what students will   learn, "Practice" questions conclude each major section and help   students recall the information they’ve consumed, and "Assess"   end-of-chapter resources allow students to confirm their accurate  recall  of what they learned and practiced. The learn, practice, and  assess  system is highly effective in providing students with a solid   understanding of the important concepts in anatomy and physiology.