In the name of Allah the Merciful

Hybridization of Blockchain and Cloud Computing: Overcoming Security Issues in IoT

M. Lawanya Shri, E. Gangadevi, K. Santhi, Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, B0CKFL2BSQ, 1774912163, 9781774912164, 9781774912171, 9781003336624, 978-1774912164, 978-1774912171, 978-1003336624, 978-1-77491-216-4, 978-1-77491-217-1, 978-1-00333-662-4

15 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 11 MB | 282 Pages

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Exploring many aspects of blockchain technologies and providing an overview of the latest cuttingedge developments along with their diversified business applications, this volume addresses the challenges, emerging issues, and problems in classical centralized architecture and covers how blockchain platforms provide almost magical solutions and novel services for improving business processes.

Focusing on blockchain technology-based distributed transactions for industrial use, the chapters address applications in sectors such as healthcare, pharmaceutical drug supply, finance and banking, agriculture and farming, semantic web services, etc. The book explores blockchain applications associated with security issues, cryptocurrencies, cloud computing, Internet of Things, estimating intelligence (of crows, as an example) using artificial intelligence, and more. The chapters discuss deployment, feasibility studies, and the many diverse services offered by blockchain technology.