In the name of Allah the Merciful

Incompressible Fluid Dynamics

P. A. Davidson, 0198869126, 0198869096, 978-0198869122, 978-0198869092, 9780198869122, 9780198869092, B09MV49G57

English | 2022 | PDF | 9 MB | 259 Pages

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Incompressible Fluid Dynamics is a textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students of engineering, applied mathematics, and geophysics. The text comprises topics that establish the broad conceptual framework of the subject, expose key phenomena, and play an important role in the myriad of applications that exist in both nature and technology.

The first half of the book covers topics that include the inviscid equations of Euler and Bernoulli, the Navier-Stokes equation and some of its simpler exact solutions, laminar boundary layers and jets, potential flow theory with its various applications to aerodynamics, the theory of surface gravity waves, and flows with negligible inertia, such as suspensions, lubrication layers, and swimming micro-organisms.

The second half is more specialised. Vortex dynamics, which is so essential to many natural phenomena in fluid mechanics, is developed in detail. This is followed by chapters on stratified fluids and flows subject to a strong background rotation, both topics being central to our understanding of atmospheric and oceanic flows. Fluid instabilities and the transition to turbulence are also covered, followed by two chapters on fully developed turbulence.

The text is largely self-contained, and aims to combine mathematical precision with a breadth of engineering and geophysical applications. Throughout, physical insight is given priority over mathematical detail.