In the name of Allah the Merciful

Introduction To Classical Mechanics: Solutions To Problems

John Dirk Walecka | 9811227624, 9811224943, 9811217432, 978-9811227622, 978-9811224942, 978-9811217432, 9789811227622, 9789811224942, 9789811217432, B08HQ64F62, B085G8FYBG

PDF 2021

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The textbook Introduction to Classical Mechanics aims to provide a clear and concise set of lectures that take one from the introduction and application of Newton's laws up to Hamilton's principle of stationary action and the lagrangian mechanics of continuous systems. An extensive set of accessible problems enhances and extends the coverage. It serves as a prequel to the author's recently published book entitled Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism based on an introductory course taught some time ago at Stanford with over 400 students enrolled. Both lectures assume a good, concurrent course in calculus and familiarity with basic concepts in physics; the development is otherwise self-contained. As an aid for teaching and learning, and as was previously done with the publication of Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism: Solutions to Problems, this additional book provides the solutions to the problems in the text Introduction to Classical Mechanics.