In the name of Allah the Merciful

Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia 8th Edition

Joel A. Kaplan, B0C9JQYVDS, 0323829244, 0323829260, 0323829252, 9780323829250, 9780323829243, 9780323829267, 9780443283154, 978-0323829250, 978-0323829243, 978-0323829267, 978-0443283154, 978-0-323-82924-3

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 220 MB | 1240 Pages

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Current,  comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia:  Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers  practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac  anesthesiology, helping you to optimize perioperative outcomes, avoid  complications, and ensure maximum patient safety. Dr. Joel A. Kaplan,  along with an expert team of associate editors, guides you through  today’s clinical challenges, including expanded coverage of critical  care, the newest approaches to perioperative assessment and management,  state-of-the art diagnostic techniques, and cardiovascular and coronary  physiology.

  • Covers  the full spectrum of contemporary cardiothoracic anesthesia practice,  including preoperative assessment, physiology, pharmacology, monitoring,  transesophageal echocardiography, coagulation, specific cardiac  procedures, extracorporeal circulation, postoperative pain treatment,  and management of the complex patient with cardiac disease. 
  • Includes  expanded coverage of critical care topics, reflecting the increased  perioperative care now provided by anesthesiologists in the ICU. 
  • Contains  new chapters on Structural Heart Disease Procedures; Cardiorespiratory  Effects of COVID-19; Critical Care Ultrasound; Intensive Unit Management  of Patients on Mechanical Circulatory Support; and Postoperative Care  of the Heart and Lung Transplant Patient. 
  • Features  more than 900 full-color illustrations, decision trees, charts, and  graphs (over one-third are new) that aid in visual understanding of  complex topics. 
  • Provides access to over 120 videos, including a range of echocardiography clips. 
  • Contains  balanced, dependable, and updated content on all aspects of the  anesthetic management of cardiac surgical procedures, as well as  cardiology procedures performed in catheterization and  electrophysiologic laboratories. 
  • Places  new emphasis on cardiac devices requiring perioperative care, including  cardiac implanted electrical devices and ventricular assist devices.