In the name of Allah the Merciful

Lipidomics in Health & Disease: Methods & Application

Xiangdong Wang, Duojiao Wu, Huali Shen, B07GZH5V6Q, 9811306192, 9811306206, 9811344639, 9789811344633, 9789811306198, 9789811306204, 978-9811344633, 978-9811306198, 978-9811306204, 978-981-13-0619-8, 978-981-13-0620-4

10 $

English | 2018 | PDF | 5 MB | 204 Pages

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This  volume covers the emerging area of science, Clinical Lipidomics, which  is theapplication of lipidology to the understanding of physiological  and pathophysiological changes of lipidomes, with a special focus on  lipidomic profiles in human diseases.

Lipidomics  is widely used to map lipid molecular species in a biological system.  Clinical lipidomic analysis has demonstrated the comprehensive  characterization of molecular lipids in various severities, durations,  and therapies as a critical tool in identification and validation of  disease-specific biomarkers.

This  volume on Clinical Lipidomics will add to the literature and help  advance the knowledge of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and  treatment of diseases.