In the name of Allah the Merciful

Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making 9th Edition

Jerry J. Weygandt; Paul D. Kimmel; Jill E. Mitchell, B08QDZZ135, 111970958X, 1119709555, 9781119709589, 9781119709558, 9781119754015, 978-1119709589, 978-1119709558, 978-1119754015, 978-1-119-70955-8

10 $

English | 2021 | Original PDF | 36 MB | 902 Pages

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Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, 9th Edition provides students with a clear introduction to the fundamental  managerial accounting concepts needed for anyone pursuing a career in  accounting or business. The primary focus of Managerial Accounting is to help students understand the application of accounting principles  and techniques in practice through a variety of engaging resources and  homework exercises.

By connecting the classroom to  the business world through real company examples, an emphasis on  decision making, and key data analysis skills appropriate at the  introductory level, students are better prepared as future professionals  in today's business world.