In the name of Allah the Merciful

Managerial Accounting, Canadian Edition 5th Edition

Karen W. Braun; Wendy M. Tietz; Louis Beaubien, 0137951744, 0137951922, 9780137951741, 9780137951925, 9780137951420, 9780137953028, 978-0137951741, 978-0137951925, 978-0137951420, 978-0137953028

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Managerial Accounting helps students see how managerial accounting  concepts are used in business to make decisions. By presenting actual  accounting decisions made in companies like Target and Macy's, the  text's precise coverage of the core concepts better engages students in  the content. With a new focus on data analytics and new problems and  applications in the 6th Edition, students receive the most up-to-date  information and practice opportunities to prepare them for their future  careers in accounting.