In the name of Allah the Merciful

Microbial Consortium and Biotransformation for Pollution Decontamination

Gowhar Hamid Dar, Rouf Ahmad Bhat, Humaira Qadri, Khalid Rehman Hakeem, 032391893X, 9780323918930, 978-0323918930

English | 2022 | PDF

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Microbial Consortium and Biotransformation for Pollution Decontamination  presents techniques for the decontamination of polluted environs  through potential microbes, particularly examining the benefits of its  broad applicability, sustainability and eco-friendly nature. Utilizing  global case studies to describe practical applications of the  technology, the book offers insights into the latest research on  advanced microbiological tools and techniques for the remediation of  severe pollutants from the environment. Environmental researchers and  environmental managers focusing on pollution and decontamination will  find both key contextual information and practical details that are  essential in understanding the use of microbial technology for  combatting pollutants.

Recent advancements in the field of NGS  (next-generation sequencing) have allowed more detailed genomic,  bioinformatics and metagenomic analyses of potential environmentally  important microbes that have led to significant breakthroughs into key  bio-degradative pathways. With the increase in human activities around  the globe, toxic pollutants from multiple sources have contaminated the  earth on a large number scale.


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