In the name of Allah the Merciful

Microfluidics for Single-Cell Analysis

(Integrated Analytical Systems) by Jin-Ming Lin, B07WZYXSQD, 981329731X, 981329728X, 9813297298, 9789813297289, 9789813297296, 9789813297319, 978-9813297289, 978-9813297296, 978-9813297319, 978-981-32-9728-9, 978-981-32-9729-6

15 $

English | 2019 | PDF | 13 MB | 263 Pages

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This book summarizes the various  microfluidic-based approaches for single-cell capture, isolation,  manipulation, culture and observation, lysis, and analysis. Single-cell  analysis reveals the heterogeneities in morphology, functions,  composition, and genetic performance of seemingly identical cells, and  advances in single-cell analysis can overcome the difficulties arising  due to cell heterogeneity in the diagnostics for a targeted model of  disease. This book provides a detailed review of the state-of-the-art  techniques presenting the pros and cons of each of these methods. It  also offers lessons learned and tips from front-line investigators to  help researchers overcome bottlenecks in their own studies. Highlighting  a number of techniques, such as microfluidic droplet techniques,  combined microfluidics-mass-spectrometry systems, and nanochannel  sampling, it describes in detail a new microfluidic chip-based live  single-cell extractor (LSCE) developed in the editor’s laboratory, which  opens up new avenues to use open microfluidics in single-cell  extraction, single-cell mass spectrometric analysis, single-cell  adhesion analysis and subcellular operations. Serving as both an  elementary introduction and advanced guidebook, this book interests and  inspires scholars and students who are currently studying or wish to  study microfluidics-based cell analysis methods.