In the name of Allah the Merciful

Modeling and Simulation Based Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice

Lin Zhang, Chun Zhao, 9811260176, 978-981-126-017-9, 978-9811260179, 9789811260179, 978-981-126-018-6, 978-9811260186, 9789811260186, 978-981-126-019-3, 978-9811260193, 9789811260193, B0C1KC6VGF

20 $

English | 2023 | PDF | 32 MB | 270 Pages

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Modeling and simulation (M&S) based systems engineering (MSBSE) is the extension of MBSE, which enhances the value of MBSE and the ability of digitally evaluating and optimizing the whole system through comprehensive applications of M&S technologies. This book puts together the recent research in MSBSE, and hopefully this will provide the researchers and engineers with reference cases in M&S technologies to support the R&D of complex products and systems.