In the name of Allah the Merciful

Multilingualism, Identity and Interculturality in Education

Ruth Fielding, 978-981-19-5848-9, 978-981-19-5847-2, 9811958475, 978-9811958472, 9789811958472, 9811958505, 978-9811958502, B0BL2MCHPW

10 $

English | 2022 | PDF | 4 MB | 214 Pages

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This book brings together research on multilingualism, identity and intercultural understanding from a range of locations across the globe to explore the intersection of these key ideas in education. It addresses the need to better understand how multilingual, identity, and intercultural approaches intersect for multilingual learners in complex and varied settings. Through global examples, it explores how identities and multilingualism are situated within, and surrounding intercultural experiences. This book examines the different theoretical interpretations as encountered and used in different contexts. By doing so, it helps readers better understand how teachers approach multilingualism and diversity in a range of contexts.