In the name of Allah the Merciful

Nanotechnology Horizons in Food Process Engineering: Volume 2: Scope, Biomaterials, and Human Health by Megh R. Goyal, Santosh K. Mishra, Satish Kumar

B0BSVK6121, 1774910632, 1000614409, 1774910624, 9781000614404, 9781774910634, 9781774910627, 9781003305385, 978-1000614404, 978-1774910634, 978-1774910627, 978-1003305385, 978-1-77491-062-7, 978-1-77491-063-4, 978-1-00330-538-5

10 $

English | 2023 | PDF | 20 MB | 450 Pages

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Although nanotechnology has revolutionized  fields such as medicine, genetics, biology, bioengineering, mechanics,  and chemistry, its increasing application in the food industry is  relatively recent in comparison. Nanotechnology in the food industry is  now being explored for creating new flavors, extending food shelf life,  and improving food protection and nutritional value, as well as for  intelligent nutrient delivery systems, “smart” foods, contaminant  detection nanodevices and nanosensors, advanced food processing,  antimicrobial chemicals, encapsulation, and green nanomaterials.

This  new three-volume set addresses a multitude of topical issues and new  developments in the field. Volume 1 focuses on food preservation, food  packaging and sustainable agriculture, while Volume 2 looks at  nanotechnology in food process engineering, applications of biomaterials  in food products, and the use of modern nanotechnology for human  health. The third volume explores the newest trends in nanotechnology  for food applications and their application for improving food delivery  systems.

Together, these three volumes provide a  comprehensive and in-depth look at the emerging status of nanotechnology  in the food processing industry, explaining the benefits and drawbacks  of various methodologies that will aid in the improvement and  development of food product sourcing and food hygiene monitoring  methods.

Volume 2 discusses nanotechnology use in  non-thermal techniques such as high-pressure processing (HPP), pulsed  electric fields (PEFs), pulsed light, ultraviolet, microwave, ohmic  heating, electrospinning, and nano- and microencapsulation. This volume  looks at the role and application of minimal processing techniques such  as ozone treatment, vacuum drying, osmotic dehydration, dense phase  carbon dioxide treatment, and high-pressure assisted freezing. The  successful applications of nanotechnologies on juices, meat and fish,  fruits and vegetable slices, food surface, purees, milk and milk  products, extraction, drying enhancement, and encapsulation of  micro-macro nutrients are also considered. The volume also presents  several computer-aided techniques that are emerging in the food  processing sector, such as robotics, radio frequency identification  (RFID), three-dimensional food printing, artificial intelligence, etc.  Significant role of food properties in design of specific food and  edible packaging films have been elucidated.