In the name of Allah the Merciful

Note Taking for Coaches

Glenn Livingston, B00S70WNZK

10 $

English | 2015 | EPUB, AZW, Converted PDF | 1 MB

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Because coaching is an unregulated industry, there are no clear “rules” or government expectations for keeping a chart or taking notes on your coaching clients.

Notwithstanding this, in our considered experience keeping a chart and taking notes on clients taking is extremely valuable and important for every kind of coach.

It helps you remember key points about your sessions, track your client’s progress, and protect yourself in the event of a conflict.

It’s relatively rare for coaches to get sued unless they make outlandish promises or egregious mistakes… but if it does happen your notes are likely to be the only record of what went on, and are therefore crucial for your defense.

More importantly taking notes helps “clear your palate” between clients so you can be more fully present for the next person. When things are written down your brain can stop worrying about important details from the last session and focus on the person in front of you.

There are a number of questions to consider as you're setting up your coaching practice when it comes to taking notes.

1. When should I take notes?

2. How should I take notes?

3. What sort of information should I keep?

4. Should I discuss taking notes with my clients?

5. How long should I keep notes? Although many coaches skip note taking altogether, I’ve actually found more successful coaches almost always keep charts. Perhaps not meticulous charts like you might see in the medical profession. But charts with key information they could rely upon.

Which is why I’ve always taught my coaches the importance of having a chart with key elements for each and every client. I tell them to include, at minimum:

a) A description of the client including their approximate age and gender

b) Client contact information such as name, address, and phone number

c) The client’s goals (including a time frame in which they can hope to achieve a measurable outcome)

d) Expectations for the coaching relationship, including clear documentation that the difference between coaching vs. psychotherapy, counseling, and other licensed professions was explained to the client… and that the client understood and agreed with these distinctions, ideally accompanied by a signed agreement

e) Referral source

What’s more, I ask my coaches to update goals in their client’s charts at least once every six months. Why?

Because people often achieve and/ or change their goals without telling you. And it’s hard to help your client get what they want out of the relationship if you don’t know what that is! So you need to periodically re-visit and re-document client goals.

Take the time to review these seasoned insights from someone who’s both walked the walk and talked the talk. If it helps you get even one more paying client to stay for even one more session, it'll be worth many times your investment in time and money!