In the name of Allah the Merciful

Osborn's Brain: Imaging, Pathology and Anatomy 3rd Edition

Anne G. Osborn, Luke L. Linscott, Karen L. Salzman, B0CKLJ9FMG, 0443109370, 9780443109379, 9780443109577, 9780443109584, 978-0443109379, 978-0443109577, 978-0443109584, 978-0-443-10937-9, 978-0-443-10958-4

15 $

English | 2024 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 1.6 GB

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Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than  4,000 high-quality images, Osborn's Brain, third edition, is a  comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning  curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully  revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex  subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr.  Osborn’s entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and  interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences.  While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights  included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn’s Brain is an  excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise—from  seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or  fellows.

  • Combines  essential anatomy with gross pathology and imaging, clearly  demonstrating why and how diseases appear the way they do and helping  readers think clearly about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the  various pathologies that can affect the brain 
  • Guides  readers through the “must know” aspects of neuroimaging and  neuropathology (brain trauma, stroke, vascular lesions, etc.) before  zeroing in on such topics as infections, demyelinating and inflammatory  diseases, neoplasms, toxic-metabolic-degenerative disorders, and  congenital brain malformations 
  • Provides  state-of-the-art coverage on such topics as new brain tumor entities,  the effects of emerging viral illness such as COVID-19 on the brain, and  recently delineated/named diseases (e.g., HIV-associated CD8  encephalitis) 
  • Features  more than 4,000 stunning, high-resolution radiologic images and 100+  detailed, full-color medical illustrations, all of which are annotated  to describe the most clinically significant features; and includes  robust, digital-only galleries that contain hundreds of additional  images that further illustrate each chapter 
  • Includes  up-to-date nomenclature based on the 5th edition of the WHO  Classification of Tumors, Central Nervous System, including a complete  revision, expansion, and updating of CNS neoplasms with new entities,  revised grading criteria, diagnostic molecular pathology, and  nomenclature 
  • Contains  Dr. Osborn’s trademark summary boxes for a quick review of essential  facts, signature graphics with additional radiological and pathologic  correlations, and up-to-the-minute literature references