In the name of Allah the Merciful

Palaeohydrology: Traces, Tracks and Trails of Extreme Events

Jurgen Herget, Alessandro Fontana, 3030233170, 3030233146, 978-3030233174, 978-3030233143, B07TQFQZQC, 9783030233174, 9783030233143

15 $

English | 2020 | PDF | 18 MB | 234 Pages

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The book provides a review of the most relevant topics on the booming discipline of palaeohydrology and focuses on previous extreme events like exceptional floods and droughts. Reviews written by leading experts of their fields are combined with selected key studies and presentations on up-to-day methodical and conceptional topics as a perspective for further research. Consequently, the compilation provides an excellent review on the state of the art of numerous relevant topics of palaeohydrology and acts as unique introduction for early career scientists and scientists of different disciplines working on hydrological extreme events, both in basic research and applied aspects.