In the name of Allah the Merciful

Pearson Economics 12: Australia in the Global Economy 2024

Tim Dixon, John O’Mahony, 9780655716037, 978-0655716037, 0655716017

20 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 31 MB | 427 Pages

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Pearson Economics 12: Australia in the Global Economy 2024 is the leading text for students undertaking the NSW Year 12 Economics course. It is fully aligned to the current Year 12 syllabus.

The 2024 text has been completely revised to reflect the latest developments in Australia and the global economy relevant to Year 12 students. It guides students through an understanding of the key features of the economy in 2024, including detailed analysis of the impact of Australia's changed economic policy environment under the Albanese Government, including reforms to the Reserve Bank, workplace relations and climate policies. It also covers the impact of the war in Ukraine, increased inflation and the global shift to greater industry protection.

The text includes updated graphs, end-of-chapter summaries and review questions, and revised case studies of the economies of Brazil and Indonesia.

Highlights of the 2024 edition include:

  • analysis of changes in economic policy under the Albanese Government, including reforms to the Reserve Bank of Australia, the labour market and climate policy
  • the impact of rising interest rates and the cost-of-living crisis
  • the global shift towards increased support for domestic industries
  • a detailed analysis of the 2024 Budget.

Pearson Economics 12: Australia in the Global Economy Workbook Eleventh Edition is an active learning guide to accompany the best-selling text Australia in the Global Economy. It allows students to practise their understanding of course content as they learn, with exam-style multiple choice and short answer questions. It also gives teachers valuable extension, skills revision, independent research tasks and classroom exercises that can help challenge students to deepen their understanding.

The eleventh edition features a selection of exam-style multiple choice, short answer and extended response questions in each chapter, updated to capture the latest developments in Australia and the global economy, and reflecting the requirements of the New South Wales Year 12 Economics course.