In the name of Allah the Merciful

Portable Hydrogen Energy Systems: Fuel Cells and Storage Fundamentals and Applications

Paloma Ferreira-Aparicio, Antonio M. Chaparro, B07G8B71BT, 0128131284, 0128131292, 9780128131282, 978-0128131282, 978-0-12-813128-2, 9780128131299, 978-0128131299

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Portable Hydrogen Energy Systems: Fuel Cells and Storage Fundamentals and Applications covers the basics of portable fuel cells, their types, possibilities for fuel storage, in particular for hydrogen as fuel, and their potential application. The book explores electrochemistry, types, and materials and components, but also includes a chapter on the particularities of their use in portable devices, with a focus on proton exchange membrane (PEM) type. Topics cover fuel storage for these cells, in particular hydrogen storage and an analysis of current possibilities. In addition, portable fuel cell systems are examined, covering auxiliary elements required for operation and possibilities for their miniaturization.

Engineers and developers of portable applications and electricity will find this book to provide fundamental information on the possibilities of portable hydrogen fuel cells, including costs and market information, for their planning, modeling, development and deployment. Graduate students and lecturers will find this to be a complementary resource in general hydrogen and fuel cell courses or in specialized courses covering portable systems.

  • Presents a current view of the fundamentals and possibilities of portable hydrogen fuel cells, also comparing them with other market solutions, such as batteries
  • Examines the applications where portable hydrogen fuel cell technology is a viable solution
  • Explores future trends and needs in terms of materials, components and systems to improve the possibilities to make hydrogen fuel cells competitive and reliable for future portable applications