In the name of Allah the Merciful

Potter and Perry's Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing

7th Edition, Barbara J. Astle; Wendy Duggleby; Patricia A. Potter; Patricia A. Stockert; Anne Griffin Perry; Amy M. Hall, B0BW4K58Q6, 9780323870665, 9780323870658, 9780323677721, 978-0323870665, 978-0323870658, 978-0323677721

15 $

English | 2023 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 170 MB

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Get the solid foundation you need to practise nursing in Canada! Potter & Perry's Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 7th Edition covers the nursing concepts, knowledge, research, and skills that are  essential to professional nursing practice in Canada. The text’s  full-colour, easy-to-use approach addresses the entire scope of nursing  care, reflecting Canadian standards, culture, and the latest in  evidence-informed care. New to this edition are real-life case studies  and a new chapter on practical nursing in Canada. Based on Potter &  Perry’s respected Fundamentals text  and adapted and edited by a team of Canadian nursing experts led by  Barbara J. Astle and Wendy Duggleby, this book ensures that you  understand Canada’s health care system and health care issues as well as  national nursing practice guidelines.

  • More than 50 nursing skills are  presented in a clear, two-column format that includes steps and  rationales to help you learn how and why each skill is performed.
  • The five-step nursing process provides a consistent framework for care, and is demonstrated in more than 20 care plans.
  • Nursing care plans help you understand the relationship between assessment findings and  nursing diagnoses, the identification of goals and outcomes, the  selection of interventions, and the process for evaluating care.
  • Planning sections help nurses plan and prioritize care by emphasizing Goals and Outcomes, Setting Priorities, and Teamwork and Collaboration.
  • More than 20 concept maps show care planning for clients with multiple nursing diagnoses.
  • UNIQUE! Critical Thinking Modelin each clinical chapter shows you how to apply the nursing process and critical thinking to provide the best care for patients.
  • UNIQUE! Critical Thinking Exercises help you to apply essential content.
  • Coverage of interprofessional collaboration includes a focus on patient-centered care, Indigenous peoples’ health  referencing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report, the  CNA Code of Ethics, and Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) legislation.
  • Evidence-Informed Practice boxes provide examples of recent state-of-the-science guidelines for nursing practice.
  • Research Highlight boxes provide abstracts of current nursing research studies and explain the implications for daily practice.
  • Patient Teaching boxes highlight what and how to teach patients, and how to evaluate learning.
  • Learning objectives, key concepts, and key terms in each chaptersummarize important content for more efficient review and study.