In the name of Allah the Merciful

Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering

Select Proceedings of RATE 2022 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Book 377) by Ashish Dhamaniya, Sai Chand, Indrajit Ghosh, B0CC8LYC88, 9819944635, 978-9819944637, 9789819944637

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF

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This book comprises select peer-reviewed proceedings of the  National Conference on Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering (RATE  2022). The contents includes in-depth insights into the domain of  traffic engineering and planning and presents the latest advancements by  focusing on traffic engineering, traffic flow, road safety, advanced  techniques for transportation surveys, and data collection. It covers  topics including travel demand modeling and transportation planning  issues. The contents of this book offer up-to-date and practical  knowledge on different aspects of traffic engineering. It will be useful  for researchers as well as practitioners.