In the name of Allah the Merciful

Social Engineering in Cybersecurity

Gururaj H. L., Janhavi V, Ambika V, 1931787956, 1040018696, 1032524405, 9781040018699, 9781032524405, 9781032524429, 9781003406716, 9781040018699, 9781040018644, 978-1040018699, 978-1032524405, 978-1032524429, 978-1003406716, 978-1040018699, 978-1040018644

20 $

English | 2024 | PDF

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In  today’s digitally interconnected world, the threat landscape has  evolved to include not just sophisticated technical exploits but also  the art of human manipulation. Social engineering attacks have emerged  as a formidable and often underestimated threat to information security.  The primary aim of this textbook is to provide a comprehensive and  in-depth exploration of social engineering attacks. The book seeks to  equip cybersecurity professionals, IT practitioners, students, and  anyone concerned with information security with the knowledge and tools  needed to recognize, prevent, and mitigate the risks posed by social  engineering. The scope of this textbook is broad and multifaceted. It  covers a wide range of social engineering attack vectors, including  phishing, vishing, pretexting, baiting, tailgating, impersonation, and  more. Each attack vector is dissected, with detailed explanations of how  they work, real-world examples, and countermeasures. Key Features •  Comprehensive Coverage: Thorough exploration of various social  engineering attack vectors, including phishing, vishing, pretexting,  baiting, quid pro quo, tailgating, impersonation, and more. •  Psychological Insights: In-depth examination of the psychological  principles and cognitive biases that underlie social engineering  tactics. • Real-World Case Studies: Analysis of real-world examples and  high-profile social engineering incidents to illustrate concepts and  techniques. • Prevention and Mitigation: Practical guidance on how to  recognize, prevent, and mitigate social engineering attacks, including  security best practices. • Ethical Considerations: Discussion of ethical  dilemmas and legal aspects related to social engineering that  emphasizes responsible use of knowledge. This comprehensive textbook on  social engineering attacks provides a deep and practical exploration of  this increasingly prevalent threat in cybersecurity. It covers a wide  array of attack vectors, including phishing, vishing, pretexting, and  more, offering readers an in-depth understanding of how these attacks  work. The book delves into the psychology behind social engineering and  examines the cognitive biases and emotional triggers that make  individuals susceptible. Real-world case studies illustrate concepts and  techniques while practical guidance equips readers with the knowledge  to recognize, prevent, and mitigate social engineering threats.