In the name of Allah the Merciful

Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach

4th Edition, Elizabeth Heavey, 1284254909, 1284289540, 978-1284289541, 9781284289541, 978-1284254907, 9781284254907, B0BQNH62G4

10 $

English | 2024 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 32 MB

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Nurses are leveraging new technologies to interpret and analyze clinical  data. Understanding how to use that information and make appropriate  clinical decisions are vital to their role and proper patient care.  Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach, Fourth Edition presents  the complicated topic of statistics in an understandable manner, so  students are prepared to start their career no matter the setting.  Relevant clinical examples followed by end of chapter application  exercises, provide students the opportunity to practice statistics while  learning. The Fourth Edition introduces Intellectus Statistics, a  web-based statistical software program designed to help  non-statisticians learn to conduct research and complete statistical  analyses appropriately. Often, computer applications are the most  stressful part of learning statistics. This program simplifies the  process of learning the software while helping students produce and  understand the actual statistics content.